OM HELPERS is a life project which the Grand Mission is
to bring Consciousness to the Reign of Ignorance.

This blog is about the tools needed on the journey back to True Happiness
that we all have to take, whether we are aware of it or not.


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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mission #2: In Action for godless dude

> OM Tool used: the eternal energy of Absolute Truth

“Do you believe in God?” – the godless dude asked. I looked deep inside his eyes with a smile on my face and answered: “What do you mean ‘believe’? There is nothing to be ‘believed’ about God. God simply is - that’s it”.

Every machine needs an operator. An airplane cannot fly without a pilot - the same happens with nature. Who is the operator? Who is behind day and night? Who makes the arrangements for two cells to become a human being? Who controls the development of trees and mountains? Give me less than 10 minutes and I can find out who created the granola bar. Now, can you tell me who created the apple? There is a force behind all of it.

Every person who claims himself or herself as godless has science as guideline. These individuals consider the concept of God very limited since God “cannot be seen or touched”. They normally use the word “spiritual” as synonym of superstitious and believe religion to be a waste of time.

What the godless person lacks to understand is that religion is science. Religion tells you where you are as an individual, explains you where you are going to get and gives you the tools to get it there. Yoga is also a precise science and religion at the same time. It makes you more self-conscious; it gives you the goal of reaching God and sets guidelines for the journey.

The issue is that the godless dude never tried to experience God. If you want to know if gardening works or not you read books on the subject, learn the ways to do the job, go shopping for seeds, get to the backyard, water the soil properly and wait for it to work. There is a system that needs to be followed for the seeds to become plants. The same process has to be used for understanding God. You have to follow a system, other wise you will always think that it is not possible to get to Him. Put your hands up and say: “Oh, garden, come to life in my backyard!” – nothing is going to happen because you have to act for it to come to life. Now, put your hands up and say: “Oh, God, come to me. Let me see you, God!” – of course nothing is going to happen. You have to experiment a system and trust the path.

Trusting is scary because you have to believe that a little seed will become a huge tree. You have to do the job, let it happen by itself and give up your own self to the forces of nature that we cannot fully understand.

It is important to say that even the most godless individual in this planet is spiritual. We are all spiritual; there is no way this can be changed. Do you think that the sun stops shinning in a rainy day? Our perception changes and we think the sun is not there but it has never stopped shinning, even though you look up and see gray everywhere.

No one can be forced to accept the existence of God because the Divine is something that a person cannot understand with the limited mind. To be seen and touched God has to be watered as a seed. Before even learning about God you have to learn about yourself to give up yourself. How do you want to know God if you don’t even know your own being?



  1. In response to this blog I think that there is more to knowing God. He is such a complex being that none of us could ever fathom. No matter who we are, or what we believe, He is, has been and will always be omnipresent and omniscient. Blind faith is huge when it comes to this subject, and so is trust. If you already know Him there is nothing that will shake you as to who He really is. We mortals are nothing without Him and if we try to be Him we will fail miserably. We have no way of being either omnipresent or omniscient; we just can't do it. So all that to say that we just have to take a jump and trust that He will catch us, because otherwise we will end up looking like fools.

  2. Oi Lipe,

    Não volta para o Rio este ano?

    Bom ver que estamos no mesmo caminho, espero que nos cruzamos por aqui, ahi , ou lá um dia deste para conversarmos!

    Beijos saudosos,
    com amor e carinho...

  3. Reply to Frances Lund:

    Dear friend,

    the goal of any Religion or system like Yoga is to make you realize the love for God. There is no way that you can love God if you do not study him, read about him, listen about him and talk about him...First you need to know God, then love sprouts from your system with no limits.
