OM HELPERS is a life project which the Grand Mission is
to bring Consciousness to the Reign of Ignorance.

This blog is about the tools needed on the journey back to True Happiness
that we all have to take, whether we are aware of it or not.


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Monday, January 11, 2010

Mission #1: In Action for monkey on a mat

> OM Tool used: the magic power of self-questioning

We cannot deny the word yoga is all over: yoga studio, yoga store, yoga gear, yoga water, yoga, yoga, yoga thunderstorm on us.

Every day new people are entering the world of yoga by signing up on studios and going to a number of different styles of classes: power yoga, hot yoga, vinyasa yoga, power vinyasa yoga, power vinyasa intermediate yoga, advanced power pranayama meditation vinyasa yoga blah blah blah.

The fact is that the name yoga has become a prosperous business in various parts of the world. In the 80’s and 90’s fitness was the cool thing. In the 2000’s, aerobic classes, old fashion leggings and gym steps are dull and dated.

When asked the simple question “What is Yoga?” the majority does not know the right answer. “Hum...isn’t yoga the stuff I do on a mat after work, that makes me sweat a bit before I go home to relax, watch TV and eat pizza?” I am sorry, no.

There are many meanings for the Sanskrit word Yoga depending on how and where it is applied. Basically, Yoga means union, path or the path for/of union. “Union of what?!” – the monkey asked.

Yoga is the journey taken by the person who is searching for Real Complete Happiness, also called Consciousness, Krishna or God – name it as you wish. The final destination of a yogi is the union between what he is searching for and his own being – call it Enlightenment if you want.

The monkey stopped his posture and said: “Wow! How can a person do that?” There are a few different specific life paths that can be taken by the yogi and they are all going to end in the same final station: Union. The knowledge about the different paths of Yoga and how to follow them are not provided by the studios because the focus is on jumping up and down on a mat. The fact is that jumping up and down sells because you sweat, burn fat, get stretched and feel a little bit better about yourself. Education about genuine paths for Union does not sell because it shows people they are really screwed. Making people question about their life styles will make them realize that their whole system of thinking and action needs to be changed and the majority will not want to change because it is comfortable to be where they are even though it is crap.

Ask yourself the reason for “doing yoga” and search for an answer that is way deeper than “Because I feel good”, “Because it is a good exercise”, “Because I forget about my day” or even “Because I connect my mind and body, and get healthier”. Go beyond all of that to find the true meaning of Yoga.

Until we understand clearly and deeply what we are doing in a yoga class, why we are stepping on a mat and how this is being done we are simply monkeys jumping up and down on pointless pieces of expensive plastic, proudly giving it the name yoga.



  1. Great story, Lipe!

    I don't know how people can leave their mats with only a workout. I feel the extreme opposite!
    The fact that I am silently engaging in a serious workout makes my mind yell at me. Yoga makes me scream inside, think about my real problems and choose my path. I hide when I don't go to my yoga classes. When I need to think, cry and decide what type of human being I am, I take the practice seriously!

  2. Om helper,
    ‘you are on it baby.. I love it. I cant wait to catch up tomorrow and do some investigation and discussion around it..
    you are amazing and I look forward to more time with you. I miss you.
    Talk later skater and love the poster of our mascot..
    Love you,
    t xo

  3. is this your initiative?
    by the way, i'm a buddhist! :)


  4. Parabéns e bom ano novo!
    Bela causa!
    Um abraço,

  5. atha yoga anushásanam
    atha = now
    anushásanam = series of growing instructions, like a seed
    yoga = union

    yoga = seeds of union sprouting now

  6. Reply to Madame Heringer-Ames:

    Keep practicing, friend! At one point your mind will get tired and will stop screaming, then you will have the possibility to find what you have been truly looking for. lipe

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